Your Total Commerce Partner for Boundless Growth

Transform your business with state-of-the-art full-funnel marketing solutions. Maximize advertising dollars across commerce media and various walled gardens to increase your measurable revenue through cross-platform, multichannel media strategies.

Total Commerce for Brand Advertisers

Stay Connected, Stay Competitive

Our total commerce approach ensures you stay fully connected to your customers across multiple online environments and wherever consumers spend their time. That way, you can take your sales and marketing strategies to new heights and achieve sustainable growth.

With GRADIANT, you get a complete multichannel commerce experience that allows you to connect with consumers no matter where they shop. Expand beyond retail media networks to upper-funnel tactics across the open web, social media and streaming TV.

A Comprehensive Approach for cOMMERCE BRANDS

Full-funnel Media Solutions

customer journey mapping

For research and analysis to understand pain points and opportunities to create a frictionless experience.

multichannel customer reach

For owned brick-and-mortar stores, websites and apps, marketplaces, social commerce and all emerging platforms

Advances first-party data insights

For employing sophisticated segmentation and taxonomy techniques to harness the full potential of 1stP data for all commerce activities.

planning & investment strategy

For finding the optimal mix of trade, shopper and brand development to maximize ROI and fuel growth.

data connectivity

Integrating diverse data sources, including clean rooms and identity resolution tools, to achieve a 360-degree customer

insights-led analytics

For ROI modeling, basket analysis, custom audience builds and more to inform strategic decisions and overall commerce performance.


Powered by Outcome Engineering

GRADIANT’s total commerce approach is powered by Outcome Engineering™, our operating philosophy and process that enables truly integrated marketing. Driven by GOES™, it streamlines every phase of your digital advertising campaign, from data analysis to scenario modeling, audience design and performance measurement.

commerce media solutions: expertise and innovation

GRADIANT’s commerce marketing team provides unparalleled services and strategies for our clients.

data-driven direct-to-customer marketing at scale

We understand retail marketing challenges and work with your brand to scale marketing across the purchase funnel, increasing commerce revenue.

Industry-Leading Measurement

Our proprietary, custom-built tech stack connects your sales data to any channel or media, providing insights into big-picture consumer purchasing behavior.

Case study

Gaining New Customers and Brand Loyalty Through Influencers

A nutrition CPG brand’s Meta beta testing shows strategic influencer collaborations drive brand lift and loyalty.


higher incremental lift than a business-as-usual approach


influencer branded content strategy conversion lift probability — indicating high confidence in the results


influencer branded content strategy lower cost per conversion lift compared to a business-as-usual approach

Improve Your Marketing Strategy Now

Contact GRADIANT for innovative solutions that drive results and exceed expectations.